Monday, April 19, 2010

The Half-way Point? in Life's Journey

So, I turned 45 two weeks ago....

A good friend from high school sent me a card and commented inside that 45 is half way between 20 and 70. This made me nostalgic, AND it's made me think more about life--the good stuff that's happened and what still lies ahead.

In our marriage small group last week, it was suggested that I needed to write the stories from my life so they could be shared with others. Why others would be interested? I don't know. But I feel the Spirit of God prompting me to do I will.

My intent is to write about things that have made an impact on me in small and big ways. Stuff that might be interesting to my boys about how I grew up and what memories "pop into my head" years later. I also want to share those "God Moments" when I see His hand clearly working in my life. So this Blog will be a place for me to remember the days of my youth and chronical some of what is going on now....

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