I did go back to school. I took two undergraduate courses fall quarter: an introductory linguistics class and the first survey class in art history. I did well enough that I applied for undergraduate admission for winter quarter. I took three class: two linguistics class that count toward the teaching English as a second language certification and the second survey class in art history. In February I met with advisers in both linguistics and art history for spring quarter classes. In the process I found out since I had a complete bachelor's degree from Central Washington University, none of those credits would transfer. Which meant that I would essentially be starting all over to complete an undergrad degree at OU. My art history adviser looked at me and said "I don't see why you can't complete the graduate course work by spring of 2012 when you are scheduled to move. You can write your thesis wherever you are at and come back and defend it." So in a matter of less than 3 weeks, I applied to graduate school, and applied to study art history in Italy for 3 weeks over the summer. It was truly a God thing....as I applied after the official deadline, did not need GRE scores, and our tax return covered the fees to go to Italy.
So now I'm a grad student in Art History. I survived my first full quarter this fall. It was difficult. I enjoyed two of my classes, but not the third one....and it took up 60% of my time. I am continually questioning my sanity for pursuing an art history degree (what sort of job am I going to be able to get with it....I'm 46 years old!) Yet I continue to hear God telling me to keep at it. So, I am being obedient.
Monday I start a class over the winter intersession that I'm really not thrilled to take, but it is the only art theory class being offered before summer, when we may or may not be moving.
More on that later....unless it takes me another 15 months to post to this blog.